
 You'll find some resources here to share with your community.  These topics, lessons, & projects are all meant to start a conversation that is inclusive of perspectives as we focus on Jesus.  We understand that with two eyes we can see and understand depth, so how come we are fearful of different perspectives when it comes to understanding God's word.  To be clear we are talking about the difference in perspective that comes between conscientious folks and creatives.  Martha & Mary had two different perspectives, we can learn from each other if we are humble enough to accept how God orders things; because sometimes we find out that our thinking is a bit backwards in the kingdom of God. 




Judgement is always lingering around stage, because we find in our hearts.   It becomes even easier to judge someone who comes across as other, or opposite to your personality. 




When we peel back the cover, we often find what we really value doesn't always match the packaging. 




Artists can be challenging because artists observe and ask questions.  It's uncomfortable to be placed under a microscope, but that is exactly how artists feel all the time, living under a microscope.




Lets examine what Jesus thinks about our theology.  Unless you want to talk about Paul's filthy rags.  When you truly know, you know how far you actually are from our calling and only Jesus bridges the gap. 




Artists are often blamed for following the hype.  We don't have to hype up God, just connect.  His Truth, His Word is shocking enough.  Don't avoid the shock, just help folks get plugged in.




People are praised for how they express their feelings, but it can lead to a hollow place.  The healthiest place to create from is a place of being filled and letting your creativity overflow out of thankfulness. 




If we cant get by the disconnect, maybe we have something out of order.  Are we filled with a love for God and His children? It gives us a new perspective on the work we do.




Ever try fitting a round peg in a square hole?  Not all artists are the same.  Understanding someone's process can go a long way to creating a healthy joy filled collaboration.